Well, yeah. I'm a monster.
Bat, He's Dedicated
Bat is a character in Tale of the Cave. He is the first monster that Quote encounters in the comic, and follows him throughout the whole comic, guiding him through the system of caves.
Bat is immature and shown to be ignorant and oblivious, shown by mistakenly believing the Hermit Gunsmith was a random old man in "Disappointment", and not noticing the disappearance of the Arthur Memorial Ladder in "It's A Long Way Down". These 2 traits are actually mentioned by him, saying "It's ok, I'm oblivious anyway" in "Delayed Reactions", and saying "Please spare my ignorant self!" in "Regal Nomenclature". He is naive, shown by when he mistakes King for being an actual king in "Regal Nomenclature". He shows immense dedication at times, like when trying to fix Quote through most of the chapter "The Beginning", and trying to get Quote to kill him when the two first meet in "The First Strips".
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